Off-Licence or Renewal of Off-Licence
Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
The following must be included in your application before it can be processed.
Please tick when completed:
Fee category Application fee Annual fee
Very low $368 $161
Low $609.50 $391
Medium $816.50 $632.50
High $1023.50 $1035
Very High $1207.50 $1437.50
Completed application
Prescribed fee
Copy of the Host Responsibility Policy
Copies of Managers’ Certificates
Completed Building Evacuation Declaration (attached)
Public Notices (attached - to be checked before you can place it in the newspaper and display it on the premises)
If a grocery store, a verified statement of annual sales revenue or a statement of projected gross sales revenue (see Sale and Supply of Alcohol
Regulations 2013)
A4 or A3 to scale plan, clearly labeled, showing all of the following (for new application; renewal only if changes made to area):
The parts of the premises to be used for the sale of alcohol
The parts of the premises (if any) intended to be restricted, supervised or undesignated areas
The principal entrance
If a supermarket or grocery, include any separate areas for foodstuffs (fresh meat, fruit & vegetables, delicatessen items)
ertificate of Incorporation (new application)
Map showing location of premises (new application)
Copies of Planning and Building certificates (new application)
Written statement from the owner that they have no objection to the licence being granted (new application, attached)
Covering letter including any additional information relevant to this application (new application)
Photo or artist’s impression of the premises (new application)
Where the application is made under section 34 of the Act, evidence that the sale of alcohol in a premise described in section 32 of the Act would
not be economic
Where the application relates to the business of an auctioneer, a copy of the auctioneer’s licence under the Auctioneers Act 1928
Copy of staff training plan/systems
Security plan
CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) site assessment
The applicant must be the person or entity that will
take any money from the sale of alcohol.
Additional information may be requested during the
processing period.
Applications take a minimum of 6-8 weeks to process.
Office Use Only:
Application and Annual fees are set by a cost/risk framework under the Sale
and Supply of Alcohol (Fees) Regulations 2013. Information about the fee
framework is available on your local council’s website. Fees include GST and
are non-refundable.
If it is determined that your fee category should be changed, any additional
fee must be paid before the licence is issued.
For new applications, the application fee must be paid when the form is
submitted, and the annual fee must be paid any time before the licence is
issued. For all other applications, fees must be paid when the application is
Risk category: Fee: Payment received:
/ /
Public notices checked:
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