The Parelli Auditions are a short, fun way to demonstrate your overall savvy, skills, and relationship
with your horse. Auditions involve using the Seven Games to perform a few required compulsory tasks
and are designed to allow you some free ow to use your imagination to show us what you can do
with your horse. The dedicated Level 4 student would be accomplished in utilizing all Seven Games in
all Four Savvys with ease.
There is no judgement in auditions, it is merely a way to measure where you are in time and space on
your horsemanship journey.
Auditioning is one of the ways to earn an ocial horsemanship level in the Parelli program. When all
Savvys are passed at a certain Level, you are then awarded a special colored Savvy String, much like
the black-belt system in martial arts:
Level 1: On Line = Red Savvy String
Level 2: On Line + FreeStyle = Blue Savvy String
Level 3: On Line + FreeStyle + Liberty = Green Savvy String
Level 4: On Line + FreeStyle + Liberty + Finesse = Black Savvy String
How to Complete an Audition:
1. Complete the Self-Assessment Checklist for the appropriate Level and Savvy.
2. Film your Audition with all required compulsory tasks included. Compulsory tasks are listed at the
bottom of the appropriate scorecard. (Remember, your video must be 10 minutes or less and
presented without edits as if you were auditioning “live.”)
3. Purchase your Audition in the shop: click the link below or copy and paste the link into your
4. Log in to the Savvy Club website and click on the ”My Auditions” tab
on the left-hand side of your screen. If an audition has not been purchased, this tab is not visible.
NOTE: It may take up to 24 hours for your audition to appear in your My Auditions tab in the Savvy
5. Fill out the submission form and select the desired Savvy and Level:
(Only one Savvy and Level can be submitted per application.)
a. Savvy- On Line, FreeStyle, Liberty, or Finesse.
b. Level- Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4.
Ocial On Line Audition Details | 1
Ocial Audition Details
A Natural Approach to Horse Training