College of Law
Office of Career &
Professional Development
Dept. 3035
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
(307) 766-4074
fax (307) 766-6417
Thank you for participating in On Campus Interviews (OCI) at
the University of
Wyoming College of Law. We can offer OCI opportunities during the business week
(Monday-Friday) beginning Monday, February 6, 2017 through Friday, March 3, 2017.
All employers who utilize any services, including OCI, provided by the College of Law
Office of Career & Professional Development agree to abide by the EEO/Non-
Discrimination policies of the University of Wyoming and the College of Law.
Employer Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Primary Contact: ___________________________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________
Website: __________________________________________________________
First Choice: ______________________ □ Morning □ Afternoon □ Both
Second Choice: ____________________ □ Morning □ Afternoon □ Both
Third Choice: ______________________ □ Morning □ Afternoon □ Both
Please attach a Job Description that includes expected job duties, hours, and salary
Target Audience/Expected Start Date:
□ 1Ls For which term(s)? □ Spring 2017 (Immediate) □ Summer 2017 □ Fall 2017
□ 2Ls For which term(s)? □ Spring 2017 (Immediate) □ Summer 2017 □ Fall 2017
□ 3Ls For which term(s)? □ Spring 2017 (Immediate) □ Summer 2017 □ Fall 2017
Per the American Bar Association accreditation rules, full-time law students should not work more
than 20 hours per week when classes are in session.
Materials Requested:
□ Resume □ Cover Letter □ Writing Sample □ Unofficial Transcript
□ Other: ________________________
Number of: Interview Rooms Requested: _____________ _
Length of Interviews □ 20 minutes □ 30 minutes □ Other: ____________
All applicant materials will be sent to the primary cont
act noted about two weeks before
the date selected, or as arranged. We kindly request that the list of applicants you select
to interview and the number attending OCI be returned no later than five business days
later so we can prepare your interview schedule(s).
Please return form by email to or fax to (307) 766-6417. If you have
a form that must also be completed and included in the application, please email that to
the address above or include a link for the applicants.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please call Ashli Tomisich,
Director of Career & Professional Development at (307)766-4074 or email her at