Occupancy Compliance
T:\Forms\Occupancy_Compliance_2020 April 2020
Department of City Planning
174 E. Wisconsin Avenue Oconomowoc, WI
www.oconomowoc-wi.gov | 262.569.216
Occupancy Compliance is a notification to ensure the protection of the health, safety, morals, and general
welfare for residents in the City of Oconomowoc per Section 17.002 of the City’s Municipal Code. Occupancy
Compliance is necessary when:
Unoccupied space in an existing building is occupied
Occupancy in an existing building changes to a different use or different Owner
New Building Construction
Compliance Process for the Applicant
1. Submit one (1) copy of this form to the Department of City Planning, City Hall
2. Within (2) business days, contact these departments to schedule inspections:
a. Western Lakes Fire Prevention Bureau, inspector@westernlakesfd.org
(262) 567-8282 ext. 3611
b. Building Inspector, Archie Stigney at (262) 569-2195
3. Engineering, Police Department and Fire District’s review and approve address numbers and placement
on the building or property.
4. Remodel work may commence on building upon permit approvals.
5. Applicant addresses and remedies concerns of Fire and Building Inspection Departments
6. After final inspections, Occupancy Permit granted from the Building Inspection Department
7. Applicant Open for Business
Name of Establishment requesting occupancy:
Address of Establishment:
Name of Establishment’s primary contact:
Primary contact’s telephone number:
Primary contact’s email address:
After Hours Contact #1 (name and phone):
Contact #2 (name and phone):
Property Owner of establishment requesting occupancy:
Property Owner’s Address (include city, state and zip code):
Property Owner’s telephone number:
Property Owner’s email address:
Anticipated Occupancy Date:
Zoning of Property: Estimated Building Square Footage:
Number of Employees/Occupants: Number of Existing Parking Stalls:
Hours of Operation: Will signage be installed?
Will the business produce noise, vibration, odor or dust?
Will the business sell or provide any alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, amusement devices or second-hand
Describe remodeling, alterations, floor plan changes, or additions prior to opening:
Describe proposed use occurring within the business:
Describe if adding or removing outdoor lighting or landscaping:
Describe any discharges to the Sanitary Sewer other than domestic use: