Estate of
, Principal
Form OC-05 eff. 09.01.16
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A. Ex
lain the reason for filing
this Account (if Principal or Agent has died, state date of
death, and attach a Short Certificate; if Principal has been adjudicated incapacitated,
state date of Decree, and attach a copy):
Describe all gifts/transfers for less than full and adequate consideration made under the
Power of Attorney. Identify each recipient’s name, address, and relationship to Principal
and/or Agent, amount of each gift/transf
er, nature of each (cash or kind), and date made,
with any additional explanation deemed appropriate (if none, so state):
Identify every asset or interest (include title or registration and value) of Principal known
to Petitioner(s) and not identified in Account, whether or not in possession or control of
Petitioner(s) (if none known, so state):
B. Is this the first accounting for this Principal's estate?. . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes No
If not, identify prior accountings, the accounting periods covered, and the
dates of adjudication of the prior accountings.