Biodiversity Hotspot Investigation
Objective: Get to know one of Earth’s major centers of biodiversity.
Step 1: Gather these materials:
• a box for a diorama, bigger than a shoe box but not too big
• scissors
• cardboard, heavy paper, and/or modeling clay to make creatures
• markers
• tape
• a digital camera
ep 2: Complete these steps:
1. Cho
e a coral reef, tropical rainforest, or other biodiversity hotspot. Check out the Enrichment
for links to help you find a hotspot.
2. Look for interesting plants and animals that live or have lived in that ecosystem. Pick 15
different species from the ecosystem, including:
a. animals and plants.
b. at least one organism that no longer lives in the area because it has become extinct.
c. at least three organisms that are threatened.
d. at least three organisms that have been useful to humans in some way—for food, for
medicine, or for shelter, perhaps.
e. at least one pair of organisms that have a unique relationship to each other and are highly
dependent upon each other.
Use the chart on the next page to help you organize your species.
3. Create a diorama that shows your 15 species in a combined habitat.