Please kindly provide this office up to date contact information should we need to contact you. We assure
you this information will be kept confidential. Please ensure your contact information is kept up to date
by visiting our website to submit any changes. Thank you.
Strata Plan: Strata Lot: Unit Address:
*Owners listed below must be registered on title at the Land Titles Office*
Owner Name(s): Owner Name(s):
E-mail: E-mail:
Work #: Work #:
Home #: Home #:
Cellular #: Cellular #:
Mailing Address (if different from unit):
OCCUPANT(S) INFORMATION (if different from Owner):
Occupant Name(s): Occupant Name(s):
E-mail: E-mail:
Work #: Work #:
Home #: Home #:
Cellular #: Cellular #:
Occupant(s) are: Tenants Family Members Spouse / Partner Other:
I have submitted a Form K*: Yes No
*If your unit is tenanted, the Strata Property Act (Sec. 146(2)) requires you to provide a Form K to the
strata corporation. The Form K can be downloaded from our website at www.wynford.com.
CONTACT PERSON FOR EMERGENCIES (ie. fire, flood, earthquake, etc.):
Contact Name: Contact #:
I understand the personal information provided above is for purposes of complying with legal requirements,
identifying and communicating with me, my Tenant, or my emergency contact if necessary, and ensuring
the orderly management of the Strata Corporation. I hereby authorize The Wynford Group to collect, use
and disclose the personal information above for these purposes.
Date: Owner Signature:
Please return this completed form as soon as possible.
**In addition to mail and fax, signed forms can be
submitted by email to records@wynford.com