Physical Abilities Requirements
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
R-Regularly O-Occasionally
Abilities: R O Measurable Descriptor:
Vision (Corrected/Normal) X Ability to Read Documentation, Gauges and Instructions
Color Vision X Assessment of Skin, Drainage, Color of Blood
Hearing X Auscultation of Lungs and Heart
Sense of Touch X Assessment of Tissue Texture
Sense of Smell X Assessment of Patient, Drainage, Skin and Body Odors
Finger Dexterity X Manipulation of Equipment
Temperature Discrimination X Assessment of Temperature
Intelligible Oral Communication X Reports, Collaboration with Instructor, Patient Teaching
Pushing X 100lbs - Equipment, Beds, Repositioning Patients
Pulling X 50lbs – Equipment, Beds, Reposition Patients
Lifting X 50lbs – 3 Man Lift of Patient
Floor to Waist X 50lbs – 3 Man Lift
12” to Waist X 50lbs – 3 Man Lift
Waist to Shoulder X 30lbs – Equipment and Supplies
Shoulder to Overhead X 10lbs – Equipment and Supplies
Reaching Overhead X Overhead Equipment
Reaching Forward X Use of equipment, Patient care activities
Carrying X Equipment and Supplies
Standing X Patient Care Activities
Sitting Patient Care Activities
Squatting Patient Care Activities
Stooping Patient Care Activities
Kneeling X Patient Care Activities
Walking X Patient Care Activities
Running X Patient Care Activities
Crawling X Patient Care Activities
Climbing X Patient Care Activities
Stairs (Ascending/Descending) X Patient Care Activities
Turning (Head/Neck) X Patient Care Activities
Repetitive Leg/Arm Movements X Patient Care Activities, Use of Equipment
Use of Foot and Hand Controls X Patient Care Activities, Use of Equipment
I have read, understand and accept the above working conditions expected of an Occupational Therapy Assistant
I do not need accommodations to perform the physical duties
I feel the following accommodations are needed to perform the physical duties:
Signature: Date:
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