OPT Recommendation Request
Optional Practical Training (OPT) is an opportunity for you as an F-1 student to work in the United States for
one year in an area related to your course of study. Before requesting your advisor to recommend you for OPT
in SEVIS, please read through OPT: General Information and OPT: How to Apply first.
Student Name: _________________________________________
Student ID#: _________________________________________
SEVIS ID#: _________________________________________
Requested OPT Start Date: __________________ Requested OPT End Date: _____________________
☐ Pre-Completion OPT ☐ Post-Completion OPT
Anticipated Graduation Date (please include a printout of your DegreeCheck): _________________________
Employer Information
Please note:
A job offer is not required when applying for OPT. Fill out this section only if employer information is known.
Employer Name: ______________________________________
Employer Address: ______________________________________
City: ______________________________________
Zip: ______________________________________
Explain how your OPT will relate to your course of study:
Have you been authorized for CPT or OPT in the past?
Students who complete 12 months of full-time CPT become ineligible for OPT. Students may complete a
maximum of 12 months of OPT at each educational level.
☐ Yes ☐ No
Student Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________________
Advisor Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________________
OPT Recommendation:
Denied (provide reason): _______________________________________
Recorded in SEVIS on (date): ___________________________________
OPT I-20 given to student on (date): ______________________________
updated 2/27/2015