Construction Temporary Use Permit (8/2019) Page 2 of 4
During the construction of any development for which a site development plan has been
approved or a building permit issued, the developer may request a temporary use permit
subject to the following:
1. The contractor shall provide a signed affidavit from the property owner. A copy shall be
submitted to the city along with the construction temporary use permit application.
2. The temporary use permit shall be granted initially for a period not to exceed 24 months
in length and may be renewed annually based upon demonstration of need. A request
for renewal shall be submitted to the city manager or designee in writing 30 days prior to
the expiration of the temporary use permit.
3. Temporary construction and development permits shall be allowed for the following uses:
• Temporary offices to be used for construction and administrative functions within
the development.
• Temporary offices to be used for sales functions, including sales offices, allowing
for the sale, resale, or marketing of dwellings, structures, or property within the
development in which it is located, or adjacent developments under the same
• On-site mobile home used as a temporary office or storage facility for persons
engaged in the development of the site.
• On-site mobile radio and television equipment antennae.
• On-site temporary use of structures and equipment for the building of roads,
public utilities, and government projects.
• Off-site temporary parking on property which is located contiguous to the subject
development, or on property subject to a permit issued pursuant to subparagraph
h., or would be contiguous except for a roadway that is not designated as a
collector or arterial in the transportation element of the comprehensive plan, with
written authorization of the property owner.
• Other on-site uses similar to the foregoing uses and determined to meet the intent
of this article.
• Off-site staging no further than 150 feet from the building lot with written
authorization from the property owner and proof of notification to adjoining
property owners when, in the opinion of the building official, site constraints such
as, but not limited to, an irregular shaped lot where building activity will take place
indicates its appropriateness. In such case, only equipment, materials and vehicles
used in the construction process of the permitted structure may be staged; any
additional or unauthorized materials or lack of upkeep or reasonable
maintenance shall result in revocation of the temporary use permit by the building