24/7 Access • All classes start new every month • Certicate of completion
6-week format • Average 24 work hours • Discussion boards • Mobile accessible
These high-quality courses are taught by industry experts and designed to quickly
deliver specic skills and knowledge that help to advance personal or professional
development. Our online classroom is informative, convenient, and highly interactive.
Enroll, learn more, or view all our online courses at:
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
2019/Oce 365
Knowing how to create a spreadsheet
is key to eectively managing and
organizing information. This course
will introduce you to Microsoft Excel
2019 and teach you how to use this
powerful software.
Microsoft Excel 2019/Oce
365 Series
Whether you’re new to Excel or need
a refresher, the Microsoft Excel 2019
Series bundle will help you master
this long standing spreadsheet
Grammar Refresher
Whatever your goals, a grasp of
English grammar is important if you
want to improve your speaking and
writing skills.
Accounting Fundamentals
Gain a marketable new skill by
learning the basics of double-entry
bookkeeping, nancial reporting,
and more.
Accounting Fundamentals
If you’re interested in increasing
your nancial awareness while also
gaining a marketable skill, this series
of courses is perfect for you.
Introduction to SQL
Gain a solid working knowledge of
the most powerful and widely used
database programming language.
SQL Series
SQL is one of the most requested
skills from today’s data-driven
employers. Learn the coding
language in these easy to follow
online courses.
Medical Terminology:
A Word Association Approach
Prepare for a career in the health
services industry by learning medical
terminology in a memorable and
enjoyable fashion.
Speed Spanish
Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish
words together into sentences, and
you’ll be engaging in conversational
Spanish in no time.
Eective Business Writing
Improve your career prospects by
learning how to develop powerful
written documents that draw readers
in and keep them motivated to
continue to the end.
A to Z Grant Writing
Learn how to research and develop
relationships with potential funding
sources, organize grant writing
campaigns, and prepare proposals.
Bishop State
Community College