Orpheus Island Research Station
Morris Family Trust Student Research Grant Application
Guidelines for Applicants
The OIRS Morris Family Trust SRG Scheme is a funding source for research.
The scheme aims to provide support for projects conducted at Orpheus Island Research Station, and
to promote excellence in research by PhD, MPhil and Honours students. The maximum grant will be a
Station resources (accommodation fees, boat use etc) valued up to $3000 to support research with
their research in a manner that has the capacity to enhance research at the OIRS through the
production of high quality publications
To be eligible, students must be currently enrolled in a PhD, MPhil or Honours program.
Successful applicants will be eligible to apply to the scheme in subsequent years, subject to
submission of a suitable grant report and their continued enrolment in post-graduate study.
Funds will be allocated competitively, based on
a) Quality of the proposal
b) Evidence that the project will lead to high quality publication output (the number of potential
publications and journal status will form part of that assessment) that enhances the reputation
of OIRS.
c) Track record of the applicant relative to opportunity. This includes Undergraduate track record
(eg. GPA and/or grades in relevant subjects), publication output (number of publications
relative to opportunity), authorship (senior or sole authored papers are weighted more),
journal quality (journal status relative to the field, conference proceedings rate less than
journals, etc.). Publications which are published or in press are ranked highest; papers in
revision, review, and submitted will be taken into consideration, especially in the first year of
study. Papers in prep will not be counted as outputs from that applicant.
d) If project quality, potential for publication output and track record of two applicants are
similar, then preference will be given to students enrolled at James Cook University, or to
projects involving a supervisor employed at James Cook University.
Applications should be made on the form provided at the OIRS website (OIRS Morris Family Trust SRG
application form.pdf)
Notes on the Application Form
The signed form can be submitted by email (Orpheus@jcu.edu.au) by COB Friday 13
April 2020.
The numbered items below refer to the corresponding parts of the form.
• Part 1 is intended to provide a database for ease of comparisons among applicants.
• Part 2 is intended to provide the information necessary for assessing the quality of the
proposed research.
• Part 3 is intended to provide evidence of the track record of the applicant and an indication of
the potential of the applicant to deliver the proposed research outcomes.