This completed form, along with your final proposal, budget, and other required documentation must be returned to the Office of
Sponsored Programs (OSP) at least 10 business days prior to the submission deadline. Once the internal review has been
completed, OSP will submit your proposal or provide further instructions.
Submission of this form by the Project Director expresses the intent to apply for extramural funding. If a grant is awarded, the
Project Director accepts responsibility for the proposed research or work to be conducted and will comply with all federal, state
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
and university policies.
Project Director:
SHU Department:
Sponsor/Funding Agency:
Funding Opportunity or Submission Site URL:
Title of Proposal:
Submission Deadline:
Project Start Date
Project End Date:
Pr ovide a brief description or abstract of your project: (85 words maximum)
How will this project benefit the University:
(i.e., faculty scholarship, research, student engagement, supportive of SHU mission, etc.)
Is release time requested as part of this application? If yes, total number of course releases:
Does this project involve the use of human subjects? If yes, provide IRB#:
Does this project involve the use of animals? If yes, provide IACUC#:
Are hazardous or toxic materials to be used or generated by this project?
Does the project require additional personnel to be hired by the University? If yes, how many?
Does this project involve the purchase of Library materials?
Does this project propose capital improvements or renovations to facilities?
Does this project require University matching funds? If yes, see required approvals, page 2*
Does this project involve undergraduate student research? If yes, how many students:
Sacred Heart University has a federally negotiated rate agreement which should be applied whenever allowed by the sponsor.
Otherwise, the maximum allowable indirect cost (IDC) must be requested. Justification for requests of less than the funding agency’s
allowable IDC must be provided in the notes section below.
Yes No Does this funding opportunity allow for indirect cost recovery?
Percent allowed: Percent you will be requesting: