1300 7
STREET, P. O. BOX 1431, WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS 76307 - PHONE: 940-761-7409
Solicitor’s Permit Application
Please read the following instructions and information to ensure timely receipt of your permit. For
complete details, please review our Code of Ordinances Chapter 26, Article III
1. An application provided to the City Clerk must be completed in detail with the required information:
Full name and address of applicant, and a copy of driver’s license or state identification, if an
Occupation in which applicant desires to engage and for which the permit is desired (door-to-door
soliciting, curbside soliciting, or panhandling)
Description and license number of all vehicles to be used
Applicant’s signature if an individual, or partner’s signature if a partnership, by the president or vice-
president if a corporation, or by an authorized office if an association (please include title)
2. Attachments:
You shall provide a list of all employees to be working as solicitors, giving full names and a copy of
their driver’s license or state identification
While the permit is in effect, if you wish to hire more employees as solicitors, you shall provide an
additional list with their full names and a copy of their driver’s license or state identification. These
employees cannot work under this permit until approved
You shall provide a reference letter or report from the Better Business Bureau or the Chamber of
Commerce of the county in which the applicant resides or business is located
3. Fees:
$100 per permit which will cover one person
$100 per permit renewal which will cover one person
$10 for each additional person working as a solicitor
Additional Information:
The name of the applicant and person signing the application must also be the same person reflected on
reference letters and all documents submitted to the City Clerk.
Allow at least 7-10 business days to process the application. We cannot guarantee any applications requiring a
start date sooner than 7-10 business days will be available by your requested start date.
Sales or soliciting in public parks is not covered by this permit. You must contact Parks and Recreation at
Panhandling solicitor permits will cover only one applicant.
All permits shall expire 90 days after they are issued.
Applicants may renew a permit within 15 days of the expiration of their permit with a maximum of three
renewals per calendar year.
Payment forms accepted: cash, check, or money order made out to the City of Wichita Falls.
Please return this form to the City Clerk’s Office at 1300 7
St Room 104 Wichita Falls, TX 76301 or via
email at city-clerk@wichitafallstx.gov