Request for Official Transcript
This form is intended for students who attended A-State prior to summer of 1990 and DO NOT have access to
the online Self Service account. If you have attended any time AFTER the summer of 1990, please make your
request online at http://www.astate.edu/a/registrar/students/transcripts/ for the fastest turnaround.
Paper/written requests made by currently enrolled students will be processed after all other requests.
Transcripts will NOT be released until ALL financial and/or administrative obligations
to the university have been satisfied.
Personal Information Please type or print legibly.
Student Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
Currently Enrolled?
□ Yes □ No
Last Term Attended?
□ Spring □ Summer □ Fall Year _______
Number of Transcripts
Official Transcript – includes all undergraduate and graduate work
Must include a check or money order only.
Processing Information Requests to alternate addresses must be made on separate forms.
Mail to:
Select one: □ Mail Now □ Hold until grades are posted □ Hold until degree is posted
fice of Admissions, Records and Registration – Transcript Department
PO Box 2640 • State University, AR 72467 • (870) 972-2919 • transcripts@astate.edu
If yes, please expect a delay or make your request online.
If no, please indicate last term attended.