OCRA Form 301
OCRA Form 301
(date of election)
(City office being sought)
Candidate Acceptance of Campaign Expenditure Ceilings
Oakland Campaign Reform Act
DUE DATE: OCRA Form 301 is due before receiving any contributions at
the higher amount allowed for candidates who accept the
voluntary expenditure ceiling under sections 3.12.050(b) and
3.12.060(b) of the Oakland Campaign Reform Act.
I, _________________________________, hereby declare that I am a candidate for the Office of
______________________________, in the City of Oakland’s General Municipal Election, to be held
on __________________________, and I declare that I have established a campaign committee in
order to solicit contributions towards my candidacy.
I, _________________________________, hereby accept expenditure ceilings as defined in Sections
3.12.050(c), 3.12.060(c), 3.12.190, 3.12.200, 3.12.210 and 3.12.220 of the City of Oakland’s
Campaign Reform Act. I agree that once accepted, the expenditure ceiling is irrevocable except as
waived, pursuant to the City of Oakland Campaign Reform Act at Section 3.12.220.
I hereby certify that the above statement is true and correct.
Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _________________
Local candidates are required to follow state and local campaign finance, advertising, and ethics rules. For more detail
about Oakland’s laws and public financing for City Council district candidates, contact the Public Ethics Commission.
Sign and submit this form to:
Public Ethics Commission
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Room 104
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 238-3593
Date Received