Guide to Unit Elections – 37 – Order of the Arrow, BSA
Adult Candidate Nomination Form
Each year, upon holding a unit election for youth candidates that results in at least one youth candidate being elected, the unit com-
mittee may nominate registered unit adults (age 21 or over) to the lodge adult selection committee. The number of adults nominated
can be no more than one-third of the number of youth candidates elected, rounded up where the number of youth candidates is not
a multiple of three. In addition to the one-third limit, the unit committee may nominate the currently-serving unit leader (but not
assistant leaders), as long as they have served as unit leader for at least the previous 12 months. Recommendations of the lodge adult
selection committee, with the approval of the Scout executive, serving as Supreme Chief of the Fire, will be candidates for induction,
provided all conditions are fulfilled. Consult the
Guide for Officers and Advisers for procedures for district and council Scouters.
Please print clearly and complete all of the information requested
* The camping requirement for youth candidates must be fulfilled by adults for them to be considered. To be eligible, the adult must
have completed 15 nights of Scout camping during the two years immediately prior to nomination. The 15 nights must include one,
but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of five consecutive nights of overnight camping, approved and under the aus-
pices and standards of the BSA. Only five nights of the long-term camp may be credited toward the 15-night camping requirement;
the balance must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps of, at most, three nights each. Ship nights may be counted as
camping for Sea Scouts. Include above the dates and location of the long-term camping experience.
Please also make a brief statement regarding the individual for each item on the back of this page.
District: Unit Type & #: Position:
First Name: Middle Initial: Last Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
Birth Date:
Years as Adult: Home Phone:
Email Address(es):
Training Completed:
BSA Positions Held:
Scout as Youth / Rank:
Community Activities:
Employment / Trade:
Camping Requirement
Nomination for Unit Scouters: The adult leader, who fulfills the above requirements, is nominated for membership consid-
eration in the Order of the Arrow.
Date: ____/____/____
Unit Leader:
Committee Chair:
Nomination for District/Council Scouters: The adult leader, who fulfills the above requirements, is nominated for member-
ship consideration in the Order of the Arrow.
Date: ____/____/____
Print Name & Position Signature