This form must be filled out by students wishing to be considered for entry into the Nursing Program in Fall 2012 and must be
returned to the Admissions Office by February 1, 2012. Courses in this program will be held at the
Fall 2012 Nursing Program Application
Middletown Campus
Program Choice (You MUST check one): Day Evening (Part-Time)
Name (Please print legibly):_________________________________________________ Student ID#: A
Mailing Address:________________________________________________________________
City:_________________________State:_____Zip Code:________Legal County of Residence:__________________
Phone Number:________________________ E-Mail:______________________________
Date of Birth:_________________
Have you ever been enrolled in a Health Professions program at an Associate’s degree level or higher either at SUNY Orange or
another college? Yes No Program:_______________________________
If yes, did you successfully complete the program? Yes No If you did not complete the program, please explain the
circumstances on an attached sheet.
Transcripts from all institutions will be reviewed as part of the admissions process. Please list all colleges previously attended:
Academic Requirements: ***(Please see reverse side for changes to the Academic Requirements, effective Spring 2013)
Admissions Requirements
• High school diploma or GED.
• Eligible to take Freshman English I (ENG 101).
• Eligible to take Intermediate Algebra (MAT 102), or have completed Elementary Algebra (MAT 101) or equivalent with a
2.0 or higher.
• Eligible to take Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 111) – may be met by successful completion of one of the following: Intro
to Biology (BIO 110), Anatomy & Physiology I (BIO 111), or Anatomy & Physiology II (BIO 112), with a 2.0 or higher; or
High School AP Biology (score of 3, 4, or 5); or a passing grade on the Biology CLEP examination.
• Students must attain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
Department Specific Requirements:
• Applicants for the Nursing program will be required to take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) prior to the
deadline. You must achieve a minimum ATI Academic Preparedness Level of BASIC for admission consideration. Students
who place higher will receive stronger consideration. Visit
www.sunyorange.edu/testing/teas.shtml for test scheduling and
payment information. Review frequently asked questions at
• Attendance at a Nursing pre-admission orientation. At this orientation, students will receive and sign off on information
pertaining to health forms, program standards, and criminal record & drug screening policies. Orientation dates are available
online at
• The Nursing Department will review transcripts of those students who have been enrolled in a health professions program at
SUNY Orange or another college.
Students will be considered for admission into this program based on the completion of all academic and department specific
requirements, highest combination of cumulative GPA, TEAS score, and credits completed towards the program (see reverse),
and seats available.
Selection Process
Students must meet all of the above requirements to be considered for admission into the program.
All Nursing Admissions Requirements must be completed before February 1
in order for a student to be considered for
acceptance into the program for the fall semester.
Student Certification and Signature (please check one of the following)
I have attended a pre-Admissions Orientation within 3 years of my planned program start date (Fall 2009 semester or later).
I plan to attend/have attended a pre-Admissions Orientation this year. Include date attended/plan to attend (mo/yr)____________
My signature acknowledges that I have read and accept the admissions requirements listed above, and that all of the information
provided is accurate and complete.
Student Signature Date:
For Office Use Only: Accept _________Alt_______ Checklist_______ Low Cum_______ No Deposit _____ Declined ____
Dept Chair/Designee Signature Date:
Admissions Staff Signature Date: