1. Include as much information about the client as possible, based on subjective data (interview
with client) and objective data (from Kardex, chart, care plan, and physical assessment of client).
2. Treat this like an ADMISSION ASSESSMENT.
3. It is permissible to use a potential problem (At Risk for…) for the NANDA diagnoses or to
state NO diagnosis (if no problem is identified in a section).
4. Describe what you see, hear, feel, and smell as you do your assessment, using descriptive terminology.
5. All meds on the client's orders/clinical focus should be on this assessment somewhere. For each
medication, give dose and frequency.
6. Do not leave any of the spaces blank, but indicate the reason you are unable to assess (i.e. Info.
not available (INA) = information pertains to this client, but is not available or NA = information is not
pplicable to this client). a
8. Keep all assessments and care plans for your own future reference and have available upon request for
future instructors.
9. The term RANGE refers to the previous 24 hour values for this client.
10. ALL information obtained on this form MUST be kept confidential.
Client's Initials______ Age______ Gender ______ Student Name
Client's Room Number_______ Date of Assessment
Admitting Diagnoses & Date
Current Surgical Procedures & Dates
Prior Health History within past 5 years (surgeries, injuries & medical conditions)
Medications Prior to Admission (including prescriptions, OTC, and herbal medications)
Family History (specify conditions and relationship to client)
Allergies (list & state reactions):
Other Allergies impacting clients care at this time:
Code Status/Advanced Directives
Current Adult Immunizations (i.e. pneumococcal, influenza, DT, hepatitis, MMR, Meningococcal):
Nutritional Assessment:
Diet/tube feeding Swallowing/Mastication
% eaten per meal Condition of oral cavity
Actual weight Serum Albumin____
Actual height Hgb_____ Hct______ WBC_____ Platelets_____
Ideal weight for height Serum Mg
_____ K
_____ Ca
_____ Na
Recent weight gain/loss Serum Glucose Range
IV Access Devices (central or peripheral)_________________________ Sites
Primary IV solutions with additives, and rate
Current or Prior (specify) Nutritional Problems, including food intolerances
Nutritional Medications/Supplements
Other Labs/Diagnostic Studies
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE abnormal findings with R/T:
Integumentary Assessment:
Braden/Norton Scale Score Hair
Skin turgor Nails
Skin temp Lesion description
Skin color changes Scar description
Mucous membranes Wound location/description
Temperature Range Wound measurements
Additional Symptoms
Prior History
Integumentary Medications/Treatments (be specific)
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
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GI Assessment:
Bowel sounds Abd. palpation results
Bowel pattern Last bm______ description_______________
Abd. percussion results Drainage devices/output
Additional Symptoms
Prior History
GI Medications
Other Labs/Diagnostic Studies
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
Renal Assessment:
Input Output UA results
8 hour I & O total: BUN_______ Creatinine_______
24 hour I & O total: Urine Culture/Sensitivity
Urine description Continence/Incontinence
Drainage devices
Additional Symptoms
Prior History
Renal Medications
Other Labs/Diagnostic Studies
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
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Cardiovascular Assessment:
Heart sounds (specify) Carotid Bruits
B/P range Capillary refill
Pulse range Edema
Homan’s Sign Peripheral pulses
Cholesterol____ HDL____ LDL____ Trig___
Pulse deficits
Additional Symptoms
Prior History
Cardiac Medications
Other Labs/Diagnostic Studies
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
Respiratory Assessment:
Breath sounds Resp Tx __________________
/pulse ox Incentive Spirometer, max. vol inspired: ________
Respiratory rate range Cough Sputum description
Rhythm Sputum culture/sensitivity
Chest excursion Chest x-ray
Accessory muscle use ABGs: pH___ CO
___ HCO
___ O
ABG Interpretation
Additional Symptoms
Prior History
Respiratory Medications
Respiratory Devices/Settings (i.e. O
Other Labs/Diagnostic Studies
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
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Neuro/Muscular Assessment:
Glascow coma rating Speech
LOC Distance amb
Orientation (specify) Assistive Devices
Short-term memory deficits ROM
Long-term memory deficits Weaknesses
Additional Symptoms
Prior History
Neuro/Muscular Medications
Other Labs/diagnostic Studies
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
Sexuality/Reproductive Assessment:
Female Male
Age @ menarche LMP Testicular Self-Examination (TSE) practiced
Breast Self-Examination (BSE) practiced
Last prostate
Last pelvic & pap Last Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) value
Last mammogram Circumcised
Marital status/Significant other Marital status/Significant other
Additional Symptoms
Prior History
Sexuality/Reproductive Medications
Other Labs/Diagnostic Studies
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
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Cognitive/Psychological Assessment:
Level of education Ability to relate to others
Profession/job Psych History:
Affect Body image
Additional Symptoms
Prior History
Cognitive/Psychological Medications
Substance Abuse (type, duration, frequency, last use)
Other Labs/Diagnostic Studies
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
Perceptual Assessment: (describe technique used and findings)
Visual Auditory
Corrective devices Corrective devices
Pain rating scale (intensity) -
If pain present: location -
duration -
quality -
contributing factors -
relieving factors -
Additional Symptoms
Prior History
Perceptual Medications
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE abnormal findings with R/T:
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Activity/Self Care/ADL Assessment:
Bathing Amb.
Feeding Toileting
Cooking/cleaning Safety Precautions (specify)
ADL Assistive Devices
Additional Deficits
Prior History of Deficits
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
Sleep/Rest Assessment:
# hours slept per night @ home # hours slept per night @ hospital
Sleep aids Naps
# of pillows used HS confusion
Additional Symptoms
Prior History of Problems
Sleep/Rest Medications (Prescribed and OTC)
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
Stressor Assessment: (list stressors in each category)
Financial Cultural
Family Spiritual
Psychological Health
Additional Symptoms or pertinent information
Prior Stressors
Stressor Medications/Alternative Measures
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
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Actual OR Anticipatory Discharge Planning Assessment:
Education Required
Scripts Required
Agency Referrals
Follow up DR. Appts
Durable Medical (DM) Equipment Needed
Outpatient Follow-up Lab Work
Outpatient Follow-up PT/OT/ST/RT
Community Resources (i.e. Meals on Wheels, WIC, Support groups, etc)
NANDA Nursing Diagnoses pertinent to ABOVE
abnormal findings with R/T:
Prioritize THE TOP THREE NANDA Nursing Diagnosis for this client, based on
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
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