Nursing & Allied Health
License Fee Reimbursement Form
The Nursing and Allied Health arbitration award provides for reimbursement faculty members
for the cost of professional licenses that are required for performance of their jobs. The
determination of whether a license is required for performance of one’s job should be based on
the documented accreditation or program licensing requirements. Reimbursement of licensing
fees is effective with the 2009-10 academic year. This form is used to request reimbursement, to
obtain approval through normal channels and should be submitted to the business office for
payment processing.
Employee Certification
College ______________________________
Employee Name _______________________
Type of License _______________________
Cost of License _______________________
Employee Signature Date
Supervisor Name ______________________________
I hereby certify that the above referenced professional license is required for the employee to
perform his/her job, and approve reimbursement.
Supervisor/Dean Signature Date
HR Review
I hereby confirm that this employee is eligible for this reimbursement under the collective
bargaining agreement.
HR Director Signature Date
Business Office Processing
Date request for reimbursement reviewed ________________
Date Reimbursement processed ________________
Business Office Signature Date