Grade Point Average
The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the average of all grades achieved throughout a
A 4-point GPA scale assigns grade values as follows: High distinction (4.0),
Distinction (3.0), Credit (2.0) and Pass (1.0).
Each Unit in a course is assigned a number of points which are used to weight the
grade value for the Unit.
weighted grade value = grade value × points
These weighted grade values are then averaged to give the GPA.
GPA = (total of weighted grade values) ÷ (total of points)
The calculations for Units 1 and 2, assigned 6 and 12 points respectively, are
shown below.
Unit 1: Grade Distinction, Grade value 3.0
Points 6, Weighted grade value 18.0
Unit 2: Grade Credit, Grade value 2.0
Points 12, Weighted grade value 24.0
Totals: Points 18, Weighted grade value 42.0
GPA: 2.3
For the example given, what is the GPA if Units 1 and 2 are assigned 9 points each
(rather than 6 and 12)?
Round your answer to one decimal place.
For the example given, what is the GPA if
• the grade for Unit 1 is unchanged, and
• a High Distinction (rather than a Credit) is awarded for Unit 2?
Round your answer to one decimal place.