TTU-SMaRT - Noyce Scholarship Program
Application for Early Teaching Experience
Use this form to apply for an Early Teaching Experience in the TTU-SMaRT program. This
experience is intended to give you a chance to decide whether teaching is a career option you
want to explore further. Participation does not commit you to any other part of the program, nor
does it commit you to becoming a teacher.
Personal Information
Name: ____________________________________ Gender: ____ Date: ________________
First Last
T#: __________________ Preferred email:________________________________________
Semester address: ___________________________________________________________
Home address (if different): ____________________________________________________
Cell phone #: _____________________ U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident: Yes ___ No ___
Academic Information
Major: ______________________________________ Overall GPA: ____________________
Anticipated graduation or graduation date: _________________________________________
Class standing: Freshman _____ Sophomore _____ Junior _____ Senior _____ Graduate ___
Please check the appropriate class standing.
On a separate page, please submit a short essay describing why you are considering
teaching as a possible career option and why you are applying for the Early Teaching
Experience in the TTU-SMaRT program.
Please supply the names and email addresses of three references who can attest to your
academic performance and aptitude to teaching.
1. Name: ___________________________ email: __________________________________
2. Name: ___________________________ email: __________________________________
3. Name: ___________________________ email: __________________________________
On the back of this page please tell us anything else you think we might need to know about
you, such as particular circumstances of your academic career, financial circumstances, etc.