Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19): Case Questionnaire (2.0)
Haemoglobinopathies Yes No UK
Immunosuppressive condition Yes No UK
Liver disease Yes No UK
Metabolic disease Yes No UK
Neurological disorder Yes No UK
Renal disease Yes No UK
Other risk medical condition? Yes No UK
Pre-existing medications and conditions notes:
Is the person currently pregnant or pregnant during the illness? Yes No UK
- If Yes, number of weeks gestation at symptom onset: (weeks)
Are they a current smoker? Yes No UK
- If Yes, number of pack years: (pack/yrs)
Do they drink alcohol? Yes No UK
- If Yes, average number of standard drinks per week: (SD/week)
and hospital
Did the case present to a hospital in the 14 days prior to onset with COVID-19 symptoms?
Yes No UK
If Yes, date of presentation to hospital: / / (dd/mm/yyyy)
If Yes, give details of the presentation and illness:
Did the case present to a hospital during the 14 days prior to onset with other symptoms?
Yes No UK
If Yes, date of presentation to hospital: / / (dd/mm/yyyy)
If Yes, give details of the presentation and illness:
Did the case present to any other health care facility in the 14 days prior to onset with COVID-
19 symptoms (e.g. a GP practice)? Yes No UK
If Yes, date of presentation to hospital: / / (dd/mm/yyyy)
If Yes, give details of the presentation and illness: