Please provide details of the actions and/or measures taken to justify a re-score:
(Please refer to findings of previous inspections where necessary)
I confirm that the information contained within this application is true and has been
completed by the proprietor.
I confirm that I have read and understand the rules of the Hygiene Accreditation Scheme
(including the condition of entry, membership requirements, process for re-rating and the
process for withdrawal etc).
I acknowledge that the certificate/window sticker and any similar materials remain the
property of the Local Authority and must be returned upon demand.
I consent to the Local Authority retaining this application and details on its database(s).
Please return this form by email to EnvironmentalHealth@Mansfield.gov.uk or to:
Environmental Health, Mansfield District Council, Civic Centre, Chesterfield Road
South, Mansfield, NG19 7BH
Upon receipt of this form, an officer will contact you to arrange for the payment of the
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