Page 1: Notification of potential or actual recall of an agricultural or veterinary chemical product
Notification of potential or actual recall of an agricultural or veterinary chemical
This form must be completed if you are seeking to recall an agricultural or veterinary chemical product (agvet product). A
notification of potential or actual recall must be lodged by a person who is authorised to act on behalf of the company
they represent.
Prior to submission of this notification, you must be familiar with the information below.
Product Recalls
Under Part 6 of the Schedule to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (Agvet Code) the Australian
Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) may initiate the recall of an agvet product. The recall of an agvet
product may be necessary for a variety of reasons:
It is not registered with the APVMA.
Safety concerns.
Lack of efficacy.
The constituents/concentration/composition differ from those registered for the product.
The label differs from those registered for the product.
The label does not comply with labelling codes.
In some circumstances, the APVMA may allow the manufacturer of an agvet product to commence and lead the recall of
an agvet product (a voluntary or manufacturer-led recall). The APVMA’s decision to allow this is based on evidence and
the risk/s associated with the reason for the product recall.
If the APVMA thinks it necessary a compulsory recall may be instigated. It is important to remember that the APVMA
retains sole discretion as to the conduct of recalls.
Publication of recalls
It is APVMA policy to publish a short description for each product recall on our website. As part of responsible product
stewardship, the APVMA encourages you to publish a notification of recall on your website or have an appropriate
communication strategy in place.
Responsibility to notify the APVMA
Under section 161 of the Agvet Code if the holder of the registration for an agvet product becomes aware of information
• contradicts information registered for an agvet product; or
• shows that the agvet product may not meet the safety, trade or efficacy criteria.
The holder must, as soon as they become aware of the information, give that information to the APVMA. It is an offence
not to do so.
Responsibility to notify the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Depending on the nature of the recall you may have an obligation to notify the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission (ACCC). Further information can be found on the Product Safety Australia website.