Version 2018
Notification for Prior Approval for Proposed Change of Use of a building and any land within its curtilage
from Business (Class B1), Hotels (Class C1), Residential Institutions (Class C2), Secure Residential Institutions
(Class C2A) or Assembly and Leisure (Class D2) to a state-funded school* or a registered nursery**
Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 Schedule 2, Part 3, Class T
*“state-funded school” means a school funded wholly or mainly from public funds including an Academy school, and alternative provision
Academy or a 16 to 19 Academy established under the Academies Act 2010, or a school maintained by a local authority as defined in
section 142(1) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
**“registered nursery” means non-domestic premises in respect of which a person is registered under Part 3 of the Childcare Act 2006 to
provide early years provision”
This permitted development right is for the use of a building and land within its curtilage as a state-funded school or as a registered
nursery and for no other purpose apart from purposes ancillary to those uses. A building qualifies for this permission only if it is currently
used for a purpose falling within use class B1 (business), C1 (hotels), C2 (residential institutions), C2A (secure residential institutions) or D2
(assembly and leisure).
Development is not permitted if the building is a listed building, a scheduled monument or the site is, or forms part of, a safety hazard area
or military explosives storage area.
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1. Developer Name and Address
Title: First name:
Last name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
2. Agent Name and Address
Title: First name:
Last name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
If printed, please complete using block capitals and black ink.
Find contact details for Local Planning Authorities: https://www.planningportal.co.uk/lpasearch
Please ensure that the information you submit is accurate and correct and does not include personal or sensitive information. If you require
any further clarification, please contact the Local Planning Authority directly.
Information provided on this form and in supporting documents may be published on the authority's planning register and
Publication on Local Planning Authority websites
Upon receipt of this form and any supporting information, it is the responsibility of the Local Planning Authority to inform you of its
obligations in regards to the processing of your application. Please refer to its website for further information on any legal, regulatory and
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Please be aware that once you have downloaded this form, Planning Portal will have no access to the form or the data you enter into it. Any
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agreement with the declaration section.
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This form is provided by Planning Portal and based on the requirements provided by Government for the sole purpose of submitting
information to a Local Planning Authority in accordance with the legislation detailed on this form.