The following template can be used to provide your landlord(s) with notice of your inability to pay rent due
to circumstances related to COVID-19. You should not use this template if your city has its own
moratorium. Please visit rent.lacounty.gov or call us at 833-223-7368 to find out if your city is covered.
Additionally, if you are interested in working out a payment plan, you can contact us for information about
our free mediation services.
As a tenant you are required to provide notice to your landlord no later than seven (7) days after the date
that the rent was due, unless extenuating circumstances exist, that you are unable to pay some or all of
your rent.
address date
1. Fill out the template completely.
2. Provide a copy of the template to your landlord no later than seven (7) days after your rent is due.
a. You can provide this notice in several ways. Please indicate the method in which you provided
notice to your landlord(s) and save it for your records. The Los Angeles County Department of
Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA) recommends providing notice either by email or
certified mail.
Certified mail sent to
First Class mail sent
to Other (specify):
You may wish to submit documents to support your claim. Some examples include, but are not limited
to: paycheck stubs from before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, a letter from your employer of
reduced hours or layoff due to COVID-19, bank statements showing your financial situation before
and after the COVID-19 pandemic, a statement of diagnosis of COVID-19, or any other documents that
verify your financial loss is related to COVID-19.
NOTE: Commercial tenants with more than 9 employees must provide documentation to support their claim.
This temporary moratorium does not provide a waiver of rent. It simply provides you with more time to pay
any past due rent. Residential Tenants:
You will have twelve (12) months following the end of the
moratorium period to pay your landlord any past rent due. Commercial Tenants: If you are a commercial tenant
with more than 10 but less than 100 employees you will have six (6) months following the end of the moratorium to
pay back any past due rent in equal payments unless you have made prior arrangements with the property owner.
Please note that no late fees or interest charges can be accrued during the moratorium. Additionally, tenants and
landlords are encouraged to work out a payment plan during or after the moratorium. DCBA recommends that
you make partial rent payments if you can afford to do so.
Disclaimer: The information provided by DCBA in this document is for informational purposes only. DCBA does not provide legal advice, and
nothing in this document should be construed as legal advice. All information is provided in good faith, however DCBA makes no
representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability or completeness of any
information provided, and is not liable for any errors or omissions. Should this matter result in an Unlawful Detainer action, you may be
required to provide documentation. DCBA strongly recommends you consult with legal counsel in the event a court summons is served, or
any other legal actions is taken. DCBA cannot provide legal advice.
Email sent to
email address
Notice to Landlord of
Inability to Pay Rent
Due To COVID-19
Enter email address you sent email to
Enter the address mail was sent to
Enter the address mail was sent to
Please enter the method in which you provided notice (ie. text, phone call, in
person, etc). Please be specific.