v13 Feb17
Level 23, 179 Turbot Street | GPO Box 390 Brisbane Q 4001 | t 1300 366 311 | rta.qld.gov.au
Notice of intention to leave (Form 13)
Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008
(Sections 302–308, 327 and 331–332)
The tenant/s give this notice to the property owner/manager when the tenant/s want to vacate the premises by a certain date.
There may be a number of grounds (reasons) for giving the notice. If the property owner/manager disputes these reasons,
they should try to resolve the matter with the tenants first. If agreement cannot be reached, the RTA’s dispute resolution
service may be able to assist – phone 1300 366 311.
If tenants are leaving because of an unremedied breach, this notice can only be given after the 7 day remedy period has expired.
If the tenant/s are giving this notice because of an unremedied breach by the owner or manager, please note that this notice
does not guarantee that you will be released from the tenancy agreement. You may apply for termination of your lease
through the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) under section 309 of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming
Accommodation Act 2008.
When serving notices by post, the sender must allow time for the mail to arrive when working out notice periods.
Minimum notice periods
Grounds (reasons) General tenancy Moveable dwelling
Long term
Moveable dwelling
Short term
Unremedied breach 7 days 2 days n/a
Non-compliance with tribunal order 7 days 7 days 1 day
Non-liveability The day it is given The day it is given The day it is given
Compulsory acquisition 2 weeks 2 weeks 1 day
Intention to sell 2 weeks 2 weeks 1 day
Without ground General tenancy Moveable dwelling
Long term
Moveable dwelling
Short term
Periodic agreement 2 weeks 2 weeks 1 day
Fixed term agreement 14 days 14 days 1 day
A tenant must give at least 14 days notice, unless the property owner/manager has breached the
agreement. The tenancy ends on the end date of the agreement or the end date of the notice period
(whichever is longer). Both parties can agree to end a fixed term agreement early but it must be agreed
in writing.