Appeals Commission - Notice of Appeal
Page 3 of 4 EXT02 (20210401)
Effective April 1, 2021
Section 5: Do you need an interpreter or other accommodations?
Do you need an interpreter?
☐ No ☐
Language and Dialect of the Interpreter: ___________________________________________
Do you need any other accommodations?
Examples of accommodations can include but are not limited to the need for a chair fitted with a back brace, the support of a
service animal, and/or extra breaks during the hearing. If you need any accommodations, please tell us in the space provided
below, and you will be contacted to discuss any reasonable accommodation the Appeals Commission can offer.
Section 6: Type of hearing
☐ A documents only hearing
☐ A teleconference hearing
☐ An in-person hearing in Edmonton
☐ A video conference hearing
Section 7: Are you ready to proceed?
☐ I am ready to have a hearing date scheduled ☐ I am not ready to have a hearing date scheduled
Section 8: Additional information
Please use this section to provide any additional information you feel the Appeals Commission requires in processing your Notice
of Appeal.
Section 9: What am I signing?
By m
y signature, I appeal the issue(s) in the decision(s) or determination described above.
Print the name of the person signing: ____________________________________________
A representative may only sign this form if they are authorized as a representative in this appeal. You must submit a
separate Notice of Representation to authorize a representative.
☐ An in
-person hearing in Calgary