The Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd
Barnard’s Inn, 86 Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1EN Tel 020 7400 3100
Customer Services (HE) Tel 020 7400 3122 Email
Notice for Display
Photocopying, Scanning and
Digital Re-use under the terms of
the Higher Education Licence
1 August 2016 – 31 July 2019
This institution holds a licence with The Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd (CLA) that, subject
to terms and conditions, permits the copying and re-use of extracts of text and still images
from printed books, journals and magazines, and from digital publications including some
free-to-view and subscription websites. You can find the full terms and conditions of the
Licence at
What can I copy?
The Licence covers most printed books, journals and
magazines published in the UK, plus many published
overseas and a large number of digital publications
You can check whether an item is covered by your CLA
Licence by using the Check Permissions search tool,
available at
How much can I copy?
Up to the following may be copied under the Licence:
One whole chapter from a book
One whole article from a journal issue
One short story, poem or play (not exceeding 10 pages in
length) from an anthology
One whole scene from a play
One whole paper from a set of conference proceedings
One whole report of a single case from a volume of judicial
proceedings or 10% of any of the above, whichever is the
Where a digital publication is not organised in a similar way
to conventional printed items, you are advised to exercise
your best judgement to copy reasonable extracts.
Name of CLA Licence Co-ordinator:
Job Title:
Tel No.
Can anyone at the institution copy under the Licence?
Photocopies may be made by all staff and students.
Digital copies (whether made by scanning from print or
copying from digital publications) may only be made by
members of staff who have been specifically trained in
this role.
Who can I make copies for?
Copies may be distributed to registered students and members
of staff, with strict reference to a Course of Study.
Further Information
Please contact your CLA Licence Co-ordinator (details below)
or institutional copyright advisor. Further information can also
be found on our website
This notice is provided for guidance only. Please note that it does not substitute for the terms and conditions of the Licence – in the event of conflict between
the two, the Licence terms and conditions prevail.
Clare Lane
Software Licensing Officer
Learning and Information Services
01772 892110