____________ COURT OF THE __________ OF NEW YORK
COUNTY OF ___________________
Plaintiff/Petitioner, NOTICE OF MOTION
-against- Index No.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the annexed affidavit of
___________________________________________, sworn to on the _____ day of
____________, 20____, and the exhibits annexed thereto, and upon all the prior pleadings and
proceedings had herein, the plaintiff/petitioner/defendant/respondent will
move this Court located at _______________________________________________________,
New York , Part ______________, Room ____, on the _________, day of _________________,
20____, at_______________ o’clock, or as soon thereafter as can be heard for an Order:
and for such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that (check the applicable box below):
G these papers have been served on you at least eight days before the motion is scheduled to
be heard. You must serve your answering papers, if any, at least two days before such
G these papers have been served on you at least twelve days before the motion is scheduled
to be heard. You must serve your answering papers, if any, at least seven days before
such time.
Dated: _________________________