1. To obtain a Notary commission, submit this completed application with the application fee to the Office of the Secretary of State.
2. The notary commission fee is $120.00. The fee is non-refundable and must be paid by check or money order made payable to the
OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE Do not send cash through the mail.
3. Applicant must be at least 18 years of age. Applicant must be either a Minnesota resident, or a resident of a county in IA, ND, SD,
or WI and list the Minnesota County he or she will be filing in upon receiving their commission. Non-resident notary applicants must
designate the Secretary of State as their agent for service of process.
4. Upon receipt of your commission, you must register it with the county. Your resident county name and telephone number will be
listed in the instructions portion of your commission certificate. Please contact the county for directions to the appropriate location
to register your commission. Note: there is a $20.00 fee charged at the county level.
5. Upon receipt of your commission, you must purchase a notary stamp. When you notarize a document, your notary stamp must
match the name on your commission certificate however you may sign documents using your normal signature if different then what
is listed on your commission certificate.
6. Notary commissions expire on January 31 of the fifth year following the year of issue. Applications for renewal may be submitted
6 months prior to the expiration date of your current commission or a reappointment can be made any time after the expiration of
your commission. Upon receipt of your new commission, re-register your commission with the county where you are commissioned,
and purchase a new notary stamp. Your resident county name and telephone number will be printed in the instructions portion of
your new commission certificate. Please contact your county to find out where you should go to re-register. Note: there is a $20.00
fee charged at the county level.
7. Address Changes: You must notify the Secretary of State of any address change within 30 days. If you have changed your home
address to a new county, you must re-register your commission with the county. Your resident county name and telephone number
is listed in the instructions portion of your new commission certificate. Please contact your county to find out where you should go
to re-register and for any fee inquiries.
8. Name Change Application: You must notify the Secretary of State of any name change within 30 days. Please attach your former
commission to this application. You must also attach a copy of a legal document showing the name change (for example, marriage
certificate, divorce decree, or other legal documentation). Upon receipt of your new commission, re-register with the county and
purchase a new notary stamp. Your resident county name and telephone number is listed in the instructions portion of your new
commission certificate. Please contact your county to find out where you should go to re-register and for any fee inquiries.
9. If you answered Yes to any of the 4 questions above, please include the appropriate documentation and return all items to the
Office of the Secretary of State. The Mailing Address is listed at the bottom of this page.
10. Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 357, 358, and 359 (which govern notaries and notarial acts) may be downloaded from the
Minnesota Legislature website www.leg.state.mn.us or purchased through the Minnesota Bookstore (phone 651-297-3000).
11. If you have any questions, please call 651-296-2803 (toll free at 1-877-551-6767) and press option 3 for notary assistance.
Minnesota Secretary of State – Notary
Retirement Systems of Minnesota Building
60 Empire Drive, Suite 100
St. Paul, MN 55103
All of the information on this form is public. Minnesota law requires certain information to be provided for this type of filing. If that
information is not included, your document may be returned unfiled. This document can be made available in alternative formats, such as
large print, Braille or audio tape, by calling (651)296-2803/voice. For a TTY/TTD (deaf and hard of hearing) communication, contact the
Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 and ask them to place a call to (651)296-2803. The Secretary of State’s Office does not dis-
criminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, disability, religion, reliance on public
assistance or political opinions or affiliations in employment or the provision of service.