❐ Other: ___________________________________________________________________________
❐ Each roommate will share the costs of these utilities: __________________________
___________________________, ___________________________, ______________________
and ___________________________ will pay ___________________________ their share of the
costs _________ days before payment is due.
❐ ___________________________ is responsible for getting the payments to the utility
providers on time.
❐ Other: ___________________________________________________________________________
The Cotenants agree that breach of or non-compliance with the terms of this
agreement by a Cotenant (“Cotenant in Breach”) may be grounds for the other
Cotenant(s) to terminate the Agreement with respect to the former. Specifically,
repeated violations (no less than instances) of any part of this Agreement,
whether the same terms have been repeatedly violated or different ones, shall allow
any of the other Cotenants to terminate the Agreement with respect the to the
Cotenant in Breach. In such an event, the Cotenant in Breach shall be given at least