7. Detail your protocol(s) for providing emergency veterinary care, including emergency care during and after normal
of operation. [02
2J .0210(a)]
10. I certify that the facility named above has implemented this Program of Veterinary Care and that the veterinarian
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modified 4 January 2020
6. Sick, diseased, injured, lame or blind dogs or cats shall be provided with veterinary care or be euthanized, provided
that this shall not affect compliance with any state or local law requiring the holding, for a specified period, of
animals suspected of being diseased. [02 NCAC 52J .0210(c)]
Does the facility provide veterinary care for the animals in the facility that are ill or injured (i.e. animals not ill
or injured to the degree that would necessitate euthanasia)?YES NO
Detail the facility’s protocol(s) for providing adequate veterinary care:
8. Does this facility provide veterinary surgical services on site? YES
9. Does your facility perform euthanasia?
named above assisted in its development.
Owner/Authorized Agent Initials
11. Does your facility have an emergency disaster plan?
If no, please be advised that AWS will consider your failure to have and/or implement an emergency disaster
plan as an aggravating factor in evaluating any violation that may occur during an emergency/disaster that is
a result of or exacerbated by this failure.
12. As owner or authorized agent, I affirm that all information included in this application is a true and accurate
13. As owner or authorized agent, I agree to comply with the N.C. Animal Welfare Act and the regulations issued pursuant
representation of policies, procedures and actual practices of this faciilty.
thereto. I agree to cooperate as required by law with inspections and investigations conducted by personnel of
the Animal Welfare Section, Veterinary Division, of the N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services.
14. The person signing this application represents and warrants that they have full authority and representative
capacity to execute this application in the capacities indicated herein, and that this agreement constitutes
the valid and binding obligations of all parties.
Owner/Authorized Agent Initials
Owner/Authorized Agent Initials
Owner/Authorized Agent Initials