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North American Division
Graduate Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The North American Division Hispanic Scholarship Fund is designed to assist with financial aid for full-time
graduate and post-graduate Hispanic students who are North America Division-based, faithful Seventh-day
Adventist Church members in good standing, and whose financial resources are inadequate to enable them to
complete their graduate school education.
This fund is limited and disbursed on the basis of need, academic performance and church standing. The North
American Division’s Hispanic Scholarship is distributed according to the parameters established by the NAD’s
working policy.
1.The applicant must be a Seventh-day Adventist church member in good standing.
2.The applicant must be Hispanic, North American Division-based (intending to live and work in the United
States, Canada, Bermuda, Guam or Micronesia), and a citizen or permanent resident of the United States,
Canada, Bermuda, Guam or Micronesia. Students from other divisions who are in the United States or Canada
for educational purposes are excluded from this funding source.
3.The applicant must be an enr
olled full-time student (or taking a minimum of 12 hours per semester) in a
graduate professional school. Undergraduate, vocational or students seeking a certificate program do not
qualify for this scholarship. Preference will be given to students attending Seventh-day Adventist institutions;
however, grants may be awarded to students attending other accredited schools offering studies in approved
The applicant must submit verification of financial need based on information requested in the application,
and must be earning satisfactory grades.
5. In cases where family income is comparable, priority in the allocation of the funds will be given to students
who are from non-church-worker families.
6. If the applicant is married, only one family member is eligible for this scholarship assistance in a given year,
except in unusual circumstances.
7. A student may receive the scholarship once per school year. The applicant must request and complete a new
application and submit it for approval each year.
8. A student who is a member in a Seventh-day Adventist Hispanic Church that belongs to a Regional Confer-
ence needs to apply to the Regional Scholarship.