Los Angeles Office
845 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
San Francisco Office
180 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Nonattorney Unauthorized Practice of Law Complaint
To file a nonattorney unauthorized practice of law complaint, please read the instructions below,
complete the attached complaint form, and mail to:
Office of Chief Trial Counsel Intake
845 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Your Information
Please provide your name, address, zip code, email address (if available), and telephone
numbers (work, home and cell).
Nonattorney’s Information
Provide the full name, address, and phone number of the nonattorney you are
complaining about. If you wish to complain about more than one nonattorney, complete
a separate statement of complaint for each nonattorney.
If any of the blank spaces do not apply to your case, write N/A (Not Applicable).
In the Statement of Complaint section, tell us in your own words what the nonattorney
did or failed to do that you believe may warrant State Bar action. We need to know the
background of your case.
o If your complaint is about the nonattorney you hired, tell us: When did you hire the
nonattorney? What agreement did you make with the nonattorney? Was the
agreement verbal or in writing?
o If the complaint is about a nonattorney who has not represented you, please tell us:
What is the connection you have with this nonattorney? If the nonattorney is
representing a person or entity in a dispute with you, please identify that person or
entity and explain the nature of the dispute.
Court Information
If your complaint involves a court case, please provide information (if known) in this
845 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Fax: 213-765-1168
Provide any helpful documents. Send only copies and keep the originals. All documents you
send, originals or copies, become the property of the State Bar and are subject to future
o If you are complaining about a nonattorney who represented you, provide copies of
written fee agreements, payments or other letters (written or electronic) to the
nonattorney. It may be helpful to provide copies of the front and back sides of all
canceled checks and/or copies of receipts showing your payments to the nonattorney.
Any documents in your possession could be very helpful.
Translation Information
The State Bar accepts complaints in over 200 languages. If you need translation services to
communicate with the State Bar, please let us know by completing the Translation Information
section of the complaint form. We will communicate with you through a translation service in
the language of your choice. If you have a trusted friend or family member whom you would
prefer to provide translation assistance and that person will accept communications from the
State Bar in English, please provide their contact information in this section.
After You Submit
The State Bar will review and evaluate your complaint to determine whether investigation
and litigation is appropriate. You will be notified of our decision in writing. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Important Information You Should Know
The State Bar's Office of Chief Trial Counsel (OCTC) reviews complaints of alleged unauthorized
practice of law. Should OCTC seek court action relating to your complaint, you may be required
to testify in court and/or provide a written declaration signed under penalty of perjury in order
to prove charges against the nonattorney(s) involved. Below is a partial list of what OCTC can
and cannot do when it considers a complaint against a nonattorney:
If an investigation is initiated, OCTC will refer your complaint of unauthorized practice of
law, which is a crime, to the appropriate law enforcement agencies or other regulatory
agencies. OCTC will continue to conduct its own investigation of the complaint.
OCTC cannot act as your attorney or otherwise help you in legal matters connected with
your complaint. For example, OCTC cannot give you legal advice or perform legal service
for you but can seek extensions which is legal service. You may have legal remedies
available to you, but OCTC cannot advise you on your rights in a given situation or what
you should do. OCTC cannot seek civil remedies for you.
OCTC cannot give you the name of a particular attorney to help you with your legal
matters. The State Bar does certify lawyer referral services, and a list of certified lawyer
referral services is available on the State Bar's website or by calling 800-843-9053. The
State Bar pamphlet Finding the Right Lawyer is also available online.
If you have further questions, you may call the complaint line at 800-843-9053.
Los Angeles Office
845 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
San Francisco Office
180 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Nonattorney Unauthorized Practice of Law Complaint Form
Your Information
First Name: Middle Name:
Last Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
Home Phone: Work: Cell:
If you prefer to communicate by email, please provide an email address. Complaints are confidential
unless charges are filed. So that we may promptly communicate with you, please provide an email
address to which you have exclusive access and is not shared with others.
Nonattorney’s Information
First Name: Middle Name:
Last Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
Primary Phone: Other Phone: Cell Phone:
Business Name:
Complaint Information
To better achieve the State Bar’s mission to protect the public, please answer the following
If answering yes to any of the questions below, please describe in the section, Statement of
Did you hire this nonattorney?
845 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Fax: 213-765-1168
Did the nonattorney provide legal services (example, appear in court, give legal advice, or
prepare legal documents)?
Did the nonattorney say he or she was an attorney?
Yes No
Does this complaint involve allegations of nonattorney unauthorized practice of law where a
person 65 years of age or older is victimized?
Yes No
Does this complaint involve allegations of nonattorney unauthorized practice of law where a
person who is incapacitated, infirm, disabled, incarcerated, an immigrant, or a minor was
Yes No
Statement of Complaint
Include with your submission, a statement of what the nonattorney did or did not do that
is the basis of your complaint. Please state the facts as you understand them. Do not
include opinions or arguments. If you hired the nonattorney(s), state what you hired the
nonattorney(s) to do. Additional information may be requested.
Related Court Case Information (If known)
If your complaint involves a court case, answer the following, if known:
Name of Court: Case Name:
Case Number: Approx. date case was filed:
If you are not a party to this case, what is your connection with it? Explain briefly.
Translation Information
Not Applicable
The State Bar accepts complaints in over 200 languages. If you need translation services to
communicate with the State Bar, please let us know by completing this section of the
complaint form. We will communicate with you through a translation service in the
language of your choice. Do you need translation services?
Yes No
Please state the language in which you need formal translation:
The State Bar’s mission is to protect complainants regardless of their immigration status.
Complainants who are unable to complete this form due to disability, language restrictions, or other
circumstances may obtain help by calling the complaint line at 800-843-9053.
More information about complaints involving the unauthorized practice of law is available on the
State Bar of California website (www.calbar.ca.gov).
By checking this box I certify that all information on this form is true and correct. I
understand that the content of my complaint can be disclosed to the nonattorney.
click to sign
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