Non-Profit Subcontractor Audit Certification
Legal Entity Name:
A-133 Contact Name and Title:
Contact's Phone No. and Email Address:
Organization's Fiscal Year (Start/End Months):
Subcontractor Audit Findings
Check the Appropriate Boxes & Provide the Required Reports
Our audit for compliance with OMB Circular A-133 for the most recently completed fiscal year has been
completed. There were no material weaknesses, no material instances of noncompliance, and no findings.
A copy of the report is attached or is available online at
(insert URL).
Our audit for compliance with OMB Circular A-133 for the most recently completed fiscal year has been
completed. Material weaknesses, material instances of noncompliance, or findings were noted. A copy
of the report is attached or is available online at (insert
Our audit for compliance with OMB Circular A-133 for the most recently completed fiscal year has not
yet been completed. We expect the audit to be completed on (insert date). Within
thirty (30) days of completion, we provide UDRI a copy of the report or a notice with a link to the online
Our audit for compliance with OMB Circular A-133 for the most recently completed fiscal year will not
be completed within nine (9) months after the end of our fiscal year. A copy of the approved extension is
attached. Within thirty (30) days of completion, we provide UDRI a copy of the report or a notice with a
link to the online report.
Our institution is exempt from audits for compliance with OMB Circular A-133 because we expended
<$500,000 of Federal funds during the most recently completed fiscal year.
Our institution has an independent annual audit conducted. A copy of the report is attached or is
available online at (insert URL).
Our institution does not have an independent annual audit. Subcontractor is unable to provide an
audit they must complete a Financial Status & Accounting System Questionnaire. Contact UDRI
Subcontracts to request the form.
Authorizing Signature: Date:
Name & Title:
No findings reported; filed with certifications.
Findings reported. Audit review memo attached.
Findings may have impact on Subcontract. Audit review memo sent to UDRI PI for review on .
Subcontracts Manager Signature & Date
Rev. 0 Created 24 March 2014
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