Last updated 02/25/2019
Office of Undergraduate Academics
Non-Primary (Double) Major Declaration
Student Information
N Number
Non-Primary (Double) Major Becomes Effective Year FALL SPRING SUMMER
Deadlines: March 1st for fall and October 1st for spring
You may declare a non-primary major after completing your first year of enrollment at NYU and before completing/
earning 80 credits towards your primary degree. See the Tandon bulletin for the formal policy.
Meet with your assigned advisor and non-primary major advisor and have them sign this form along with the Degree
Completion Academic Plan form.
You also must obtain the approval signature from the Office of Undergraduate Academics (located in Dibner building
room LC 230) for tracking purposes.
The adviser for the non-primary major will complete the total number of units required below.
The Office of Records and Registration will add the non-primary major to your student record.
You must declare a non-primary major in a field of study different from your primary major.
Courses can be used for both your primary and non-primary major at the discretion of both academic departments.
If you are pursuing a non-primary major you may need to earn credits in excess of your degree requirements.
Please note that adding a non-primary major does not mean that you will receive two degrees. You will receive only
one diploma printed with the school name and the primary major.
Primary majors, non-primary majors, and minors appear on the transcript.
By signing this form you and your advisors agree to make changes to your degree requirements by adding a non-
primary major. You must complete the courses in the non-primary major based on the requirements effective during
the term in which you declared the non-primary major and subject to the rules and regulations in the bulletin of the
Tandon School of Engineering in effect at the time of this declaration.
Office of Records and Registration Use Only
Primary Major Department Advisor Signature
Print Primary Major Department Advisor Name
Non-Primary Major Department Advisor Signature
Print Non-Primary Major Department Advisor Name
Office of Undergraduate Academics Signature
Print Office of Undergraduate Academics Rep Name
* Number of Credits Earned:____
Total number of credits required:____
for the primary major:____
for the non-primary major:____
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