Military Status:
Hispanic Codes:
Legislative Districts:
Code Area Covere
High School Graduation Codes:
1 Active Military Dut
2 Dependent of Active Duty Military Personne
3 Veteran
4 National Guard or Active Reserv
5 Other (Incl uding Never Served)
01 Non-Hispanic
02 Dominican
03 Mexican
04 Pue
to Rican
05 C entral American
06 South American
Other Hispanic/Latino
08 Unknown
09 Hispanic – Used When Hispanic Origin Cannot Be
01 Champlain, Mooers, Rouses Poin
02 Al tona, Churubusco, Dannemora, Elle nburg, Lyo
Mountain, Mooers Forks
03 Beekmantown, Chazy, West Chazy
04 North of Plattsburgh (Tom Miller/Wallace Hill
Road areas), Cumberland Head, Point Au Roche
05 Morrisonville, Schuyler Falls
06 Black Brook, Cadyville, Dannemora, Redford,
Saranac, Standish, West Plattsburgh
Ausable, C lintonville, Harkness, K eeseville, Peru,
Valcou r
08 Cliff H
ven, Plattsburgh Air Ba se, Sout
Plattsburgh, and the following City of Plattsburgh
Polling Places: Lakeview Towers, John C ollins
Communit y Center, Government Center Meeting
09 City of Plattsburgh Polling Places: OLVA School,
Broad Street School, Plattsburgh High School,
Hudson Hall (Science Building)
10 City of Plattsbur gh Polling Places: Beekman Stree
Methodist Church, Bailey Avenue School, Oak
Street School, City Hall Rotunda
Y Gra
duated or Will Graduate Before Enrolling
H Home School Graduate
G General Education Diploma
A Still Aending High School
N Never Graduated
U Unknown High School Status