Version 2018.1
5. Eligibility
Do you, or the person on whose behalf you are making this application,
have an interest in the part of the land to which this amendment relates?
If you have answered No to this question, you cannot apply to make a non-material amendment.
If you are not the sole owner, has notification under article 10 of the Town and Country
Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 been given?
Yes No
If you have answered No to this question, you cannot apply to make a non-material amendment.
If you have answered Yes to this question, please give details of persons notified:
Person Notified
Date of Notification
Not Applicable
4. Pre-application Advice
Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local
authority about this application?
If Yes, please complete the following information about the advice
you were given. (This will help the authority to deal with this
application more efficiently).
Please tick if the full contact details are not
known, and then complete as much as possible:
Officer name:
Date of advice (DD/MM/YYYY):
Details of pre-application advice received:
3. Site Address Details
Please provide the full postal address of the application site.
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Easting: Northing:
Description of location or a grid reference.
(must be completed if postcode is not known):
6. Authority Employee / Member
If yes please provide details of their name, role and how you are related to them.
Do any of the following statements apply to you and/or agent? With respect to the Authority, I am:
(a) a member of staff
(b) an elected member
(c) related to a member of staff
(d) related to an elected member
It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. For the purposes of this question "relating to"
means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts , would
conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the local planning authority.