Types of Honorary Degrees
Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) (LL.D.)
• awarded for outstanding service as visionary leaders, exemplary public figures, community
builders, humanitarians and philanthropists.
Doctor of Letters (honoris causa) (D.Litt.)
• awarded for distinguished achievement in scholarship in the social sciences and humanities and
for creative works in the arts and performance.
Doctor of Science (honoris causa) (D.Sc.)
• awarded for distinguished achievement in scholarship in the pure and applied sciences.
Honorary Degree Process
Senate establishes and maintains a reserve list of approved candidates for honorary degrees to be awarded
as occasion demands. The President selects from this list the candidate(s) for each regular convocation.
Only candidates receiving a two-thirds majority of the number of members of Senate present and voting are
placed on the reserve list of approved candidates. Results of the election are confidential.
Information respecting nominating candidates for Honorary Degrees can be found in the Governing
Documents, University Community:
The list of individuals who have received Honorary Degrees can be found at:
Honorary Degree Citations
The citation is a statement of the significance of the candidate’s work as prepared by one of the nominators.
It is intended to state very briefly why a candidate should be elected, and is essentially a summary of the
nomination. The citation should establish that the candidate has achieved such distinction as described in
the Honorary Degrees Policy. Those preparing citations are asked to respect the limitation of length of 200
words. The citation should concentrate on the candidate’s original contributions.
The citation should be as readable as possible while sufficiently technical in content to allow those
considering the nominations to make a confident assessment of the candidate’s work for voting purposes.
When a candidate is selected by the Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees, the citation is the only
document that will be circulated to Senate to assist in their voting. If a nominee is approved, the citation may
be used to inform and assist in the preparation of an official citation for convocation and all related
publications. The citation is therefore an important document which should be carefully written and should
contain as much useful information as possible.
To view examples of citations, please click HERE