TAIR Newsletter, Summer 2003, Page 2
Station Chamber of Commerce website at
http://www.bryan-collegestation.org/home.php for
more detail and pictures!
Just imagine - all this is to accompany our
conference! Our program committee, headed by
Dr. Karen Laljiani, Dallas County Community
College, is already planning a wonderful
conference. Don’t miss out! Mark the February 25-
27, 2004 dates on your calendar and plan to attend
the TAIR conference at the beautiful, recently
refurbished Hilton College Station & Conference
Center. Whoop!
TAIR Election Results
Voting was conducted at the annual
conference for the following positions: Vice
President / President Elect, Treasurer, and
Nominating Committee. Karen Laljiani was elected
Vice President / President Elect. Dr. Laljiani is the
Assistant Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and
Research at El Centro College. She will preside as
the Program Chair for the 2004 conference. Jaime
Garcia, Research Associate at Rice University, was
elected Treasurer for a two-year term. Due to a tie,
five members were elected to serve on the
Nominating Committee: David Bailey—Tyler
College, Danica Frampton—St. Edward’s
University, Cindy Olson—University of Texas-
Permian Basin, Bishar Sethna—Lamar State
College-Orange, and Christopher Vinger – Austin
Community College.
“To Get to the Future, You
Have to Start in the Present”
By Verna Dewees
For all of you relatively new “TAIR” members,
as well as the seasoned ones ---
TAIR is here to help you with your future! Take a
few minutes and go to its website
). Check out the
‘Resource Guide’. It provides information
regarding the duties and responsibilities of TAIR
officers, committees and appointments.
Professional development opportunities abound in
many ways within our organization. We encourage
you to seriously consider getting involved within
the leadership of this organization. Help shape
TAIR through your own perspectives and expertise
while simultaneously strengthening your own skills.
Nominations for various TAIR positions are
currently being sought for the upcoming year. Take
a few minutes to review the roles and
responsibilities that are outlined within the
Resource Guide and challenge yourself to do
something ‘new’. You will not regret it. Contact a
current or past TAIR officer or one you know who
holds an appointment. They’ll do the rest!
TAIR needs new leaders to continue its mission and
reach its goals to support institutional research,
planning, evaluation and policy analysis in Texas
higher education institutions. Not only will your
involvement assist this organization, but it will also
strengthen you professionally, ensuring a better
Remember, you have to start in the present to get to
the future!
TAIR Web Information:
URL: http://texas-air.org
Web Directory Password: tair2k
Preliminary Conference
Information for TAIR 2004 is
now available online. Visit the
website often for updated