New User Request Form
Employee Information
Please complete this entire form, print the form and submit it to the Wesley College IT Department
1. Employee Name 2. Job Title 3. Effective Date
4. Name of Supervisor 5. Department 6. Location
7. Status (choose by clicking on the arrow to the right) 8. Position Type(choose by clicking on the arrow to the right)
Technical Information
9. Give new user the same access as:
10. Provide access to the following Software (check all that
Jenzabar EX MyWesley
PowerFaids Raiser's Edge
Tutor Trac Lantern
CBord e-mail
11. Requesting the following hardware
desktop computer
cellular phone
desktop phone
12. If "desktop computer" or "laptop" is checked in Q.11, is there an existing computer\laptop for use?
Yes No
13. If "cellular phone" or "desktop phone" is checked in Q.11, is there an
existing phone in place for use?
Yes No
14. If Q. 13 is answered "Yes", what is the
phone number?
Notes and/or Additional Information
Requestor Signature: