New Parents' Club President Information Form
In order to keep the Parents’ Clubs files and mailing list current, it is critical that I receive this form from each club
when a NEW PRESIDENT is elected. The new president should fill out the information below and return it to me.
club title
number of members
website (if applicable)
dates covered
new president's name
home phone number office phone number
cell phone number fax number
email address
name of past president
activities held
during the year
your cadet's name
and class year
are there any USAFA or
other military academy
grads in your family?
please tell me about
you and your family:
Privacy Act Release Statement
I consent to allow my name, address, phone number, and e-mail address be released to any individual requesting
such information.
club title
president's name
signature of president
(not required if returned via email)
Please fill out and return to:
USAFA/CM (ATTN: Marie Nikovits)
2304 Cadet Dr., Suite 3100
U.S. Air Force Academy, CO 80840 or
(Current as of 25 Oct 17)