New Office Application Form
Please complete and submit this form when establishing a new office or transferring office affiliation to the Greater Bergen
REALTORS®. There is a one-time $300 processing fee when establishing a new office.
Firm Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Tax ID: ______________________________________ Corporate License #: ______________________________
Office Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Office City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________________
Office Website: http://_________________________________________________________________________________
Office Phone: ______________Office Fax: ________________Office E-mail:______________________________
Please Check One: __ Main Office __ Branch Office
Company Information: __ Sole Proprietor __ Partnership __ Corporation __ LLC (Limited Liability Company)
__ Other, specify __________________________________________________________
Your Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Your Position: __ Principal __ Partner __ Corporate Officer __ Majority Shareholder
__ Branch Office Manager __ Nonprincipal Licensee
Name of Designated REALTOR®: _________________________________________________________________
Names of other Partners/Officers of your firm: ______________________________________________________
In accordance with the Association’s Bylaws, all above who are licensed real estate brokers actively engaged in the
real estate profession are required to hold REALTOR® Membership.
Have you ever been refused membership in any other Association of REALTORS®?
__Yes __No (If yes, provide details as an attachment.)
Have you or your firm been found in violation of state real estate licensing regulations or other laws prohibiting
unprofessional conduct rendered by the courts or other lawful authorities within the last three years?
__Yes __No (If yes, provide details as an attachment.)
Have you or your firm been convicted of a felony or other crime?
__Yes __No (If yes, provide details as an attachment.)
5 Franklin Turnpike
Waldwick, NJ 07463
Phone: 201-244-7000
Fax: 201-444-6368
Email: ashley@greaterbergenrealtors.com
411 Route 17 South , 5th Fl
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
Phone: 201-244-7000
Fax: 201-288-0511