New Mexico Tech
Request for Letter of Completion
For students who have completed early and are waiting on their Diploma to be conferred
__________________________ _________________________
Last Name First Name Student ID #
____________________________________ _________________________ _________________________
E-mail Signature Date
We cannot certify completion of degree requirements without proper documents pending from
graduate office or other departments.
Please send to (check all that apply):
□ Email:
Name: ________________________
□ Fax:
Name: _____________________
Email: ________________________
Fax: _______________________
□ Mail: Name:_________________________
(Please pay the $3.00 fax fee at the
Cashier’s Office per fax)
Address: _______________________
_______________________________ □ Pick-Up: Number of Copies ______
New Mexico Tech; Office of the Registrar; 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM, 87801-Ph. 575.835.5133 - Fax. 575.835.6511
A Letter of Completion is created in lieu of the actual
diploma, and certifies that a Graduate has met all
requirements (including coursework, independent
study, thesis or dissertation) for a degree.
click to sign
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