New Mexico Limited Liability
Partnership Registration Form
Filing Fee: $50
Annual Report Fee: $50
(Due between January 1-April1)
Statute: 54-1A-1001
1. Name of the partnership: _______________________________________________________
(Must end with "Registered Limited Liability Partnership", “RLLP,” “R.L.L.P.,” "Limited Liability Partnership", "L.L.P." or "LLP")
2. Street address of the chief executive office: __________________________________________
(Cannot be a P.O. Box. Please include the city, state, and zip code.)
3. Address in New Mexico, if any: ___________________________________________________
(Please include the city, state, and zip code.)
4. Name of the registered agent in New Mexico: ________________________________________
(Only necessary if there is no office in New Mexico.)
5. Street address of the registered agent in New Mexico
: __________________________________
(Please include the city, state, and zip code.)
6. Does this partnership elect to be a limited liability partnership? Yes: No:
7. The deferred effective date, if any
Partner Signatures: Printed Name:
1. ______________________________ _____________________________________
2. ______________________________ _____________________________________
Date: __________________________________