Enter a Slam Category
Trout Slam (1 each of a qualifying Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout or Brown Trout)
Rainbow Trout
Brook Trout
Brown Trout
Bass Slam (1 each of a qualifying Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass)
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Panfish Slam (1 each of a qualifying sunfish spp., Crappie spp. and Yellow Perch)
Sunfish spp.
Crappie spp.
Yellow Perch
Certification for Adult and Junior Divisions
Fish measured and weighed by: (establishment’s name and address)
Full Name:
ddress: Phone:
er’s Name
Weighmaster’s Signature
I hereby certify that this fish
was caught in New Jersey waters in accordance with state laws and regulations and in the
case of Adult/Junior Divisions, that the entry was weighed on a certified scale.
pplicant Signature: Date:
Application/photo must be submitted within 30 days of catching the fish. Additional High-Resolution ph
ith the angler are always welcome and appreciated! All photos become the property of NJDFW and may
used for promotional purposes.
Email co
mpleted form and photo(s) to:
OR mail to:
NJ Skillful Angler Program
One Eldridge Road
Robbinsville, NJ 08691
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click to sign
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