New Jersey Institute of Technology
Business Pass
We are pleased to announce the Business Pass Program for our employees. You may purchase your
NJ TRANSIT bus, rail, light rail monthly pass through payroll deductions. (Due to limited capacity at
Hudson-Bergen Light Rail park-ride lots, we can only offer monthly transportation passes through the
Business Pass program. If you wish to park at one of the park-ride lots, you must purchase your monthly
parking permit and transportation pass, simultaneously, at the Ticket Vending Machine. Daily and
monthly parking are available and are on a first come, first serve basis. Parking CANNOT be purchased
without transportation.)
Commuting with a NJ TRANSIT monthly pass makes sense. Passes provide unlimited rides for a
calendar-month and offer a Tax savings up to 35% off the regular one-way fare. You can now use up to
$260.00 per month from your pre-tax salary for an even greater savings! Combined with the convenience
of budgeting your commuting costs and receiving the passes directly at your work site… it’s a deal too
good to pass up.
If you would like to enroll in Business Pass, please fill out the application below. Once the payroll
deduction is established, we will continue providing the same bus or rail pass each month, unless you
decide to discontinue the deduction.
For further information on the program, please contact Antoinette Pittman at (973) 596-3161 or
pittman@njit.edu or payroll@njit.edu.
Name______________________________________________Ext. _________________
Employee # (Soc. Sec#) _______________________________Dept. ________________
I authorize NJIT to deduct the amount listed below each month from my payroll check:
( ) Bus Pass $____________________# of Zones_________________
( ) Rail Pass $_______________ Origin___________________ Destination____________________
( ) Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Pass $________________________( ) One-way Rail Passes__________
( ) Senior One-way Rail Passes__________
Total $__________________
Signature Date
Revised 2018