Hunter Education Instructor Application (page 3)
List your membership in any sporting organization(s): __________________________________
Note any restrictions or commitments which may affect your availability: ___________________
Have you ever been arrested, convicted, or indicted for a criminal offense? ☐ No ☐ Yes
If yes, state disposition, municipality and date: ________________________________________
Have you ever been issued a summons, arrested or convicted of a Fish & Wildlife violation:
☐ No ☐ Yes Year _____
Identify any physical or medical conditions (including allergies and medication which you take) that
might affect your activities or which should be brought to the attention of the Division of Fish and
Wildlife to enable them to provide information should you need treatment in any emergency situation.
Disclosure of this information will not disqualify you from volunteer service. (Be sure to inform your
fellow instructors when you work with a team.)
Applicants will be required to successfully complete New Instructor Training, including orientation
materials, Policy and Procedures manual review, and successful completion of a written or oral instructor
examination and Live Firing Training. Applicants are subject to a background check to verify
information. All instructors are required to attend a minimum of one seminar or workshop each year and
continue to teach annually in order to maintain active instructor status. For further information call the
hunter education office at 856-629-0552.
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________
Mail completed application to:
NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife
Hunter Education
220 Blue Anchor Rd.
Sicklerville, NJ 08081
Date received _______________________ Background check
New Instructor Training _______________________ Live Firing Training
Team Assignment _______________________ Instructor Exam Score